
At Government Polytechnic Etah, we offer a wide range of features and facilities to students. Some of the include a library with large number of Machnical Lab, Chemistry Lab, Physics Lab, Electronic Lab to do stuff practically, playground for sports, space for cultural activities and more.


Mechanical Lab

Some spend time on construction sites or production sites, monitoring or directing operations or solving onsite problems. Travel is required for some who need to visit plants or worksites

The Library at present has more than 43,700 books. Books are issued to Student’s for a period of one month on production of valid college Identity Card. Library has two different halls viz. Books Section and Reading Room Section.

Civil Engineering Lab

Laboratory is used for performing experiments for the subjects Building Material and Concrete Technology and Advanced Concrete Technology


Electrical Engineering Lab

This Lab provides a comprehensive introduction to the electronic properties of semiconductors, technology, the theories and practices of the most important electronic devices, and their impacts on the performance of integrated circuits.


Chemistry Lab

You will learn some important experimental techniques that are necessary for you to become an effective chemist.


Physics Lab

Laboratory activities in high school physics provide experience with phenomena.


Electronic Lab

The Electronics Lab (eLab) is a modern electronics laboratory, which is used for teaching and research purposes in all engineering degree programmes.


Computer Lab

The computer lab provides computer and internet facilities to students and college staff in our college. Computers in computer labs are typically equipped with internet access, while scanners and printers may augment the lab setup.

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